Important Infromation For Patients

Simple Test to Diagnose Kidney Disease

  • The diagnosis is made by tests involving blood, urine and ultra-sound scan of the kidneys.
  • Urine examination reveals loss of protein in urine with or without RBC, WBC etc.
  • Blood investigation reveals increased urea, creatinine and electrolytes imbalance.
  • Ultrasound of abdomen may show small shrunken kidneys. It is important to remember that in many CKD patients’ kidney size remains normal.
  • A normal ultrasound for kidneys does not rule out CKD as is the case in most diabetics who have advanced kidney disease.


The diagnosis is made by tests involving

  • Blood Tests— Complete Blood Count,Kidney Function Test
  • Urine R/M and Urine Microalbumin
  • Ultra-sound scan of the kidneys.

Types of Dialysis

In foreign countries, patient and their relatives are taught to do hemodialysis at home usually at night time before sleeping. This is done anywhere from 3 to 7nights a week. One has to arrange for a hemodialysis machine, water supply unit, disposable, medicines, and some chemicals. A separate room is also required. The patients remain in touch with their dialysis center by telemetry or otherwise.

CAPD/APD(More commonly known as Home Dailysis or Water Dailysis in India.)
The small plastic catheter is inserted into the patients’ abdomen by a simple surgery. The patients with his attendants are taught how to instill dialysis fluid in his abdomen through this catheter and then drain the used fluid out four hours later. This process has to be done thrice a day with all due precautions.
The advantage of this therapy is that

  • It can be done in the home environment: so time, money and energy spent in traveling to hospital thrice a week, for hemodialysis, is avoided.
  • There is less chance of Blood Born Infections.
  • There are fewer requirements for blood transfusion.
  • Generally less restriction is placed on food and fluid intake.

Some Do for the CKD patient

  • Take your medicines regularly
  • Go for periodic check ups with lab tests as advised by your doctor
  • Follow your diet plan faithfully
  • Do the permitted exercises/physical activities regularly.
  • Remain focuses in a positive frame of mind. Negative synergies will aggravate your disease process
  • Regular relaxation techniques like yoga, pranayama etc.

Some Do for the Care of (AV) Fistula

  • Do hand Exercise(with sponge ball) for your fistula after surgery
  • Do not give Blood Sample from Fistula Hand.
  • Avoid any injury in Fistula Hand.
  • Do not Keep Fistula Hand under Head.
  • Do not wear any Wrist Watch, Bangles & Thread in Fistula Hand.
  • Do not lift any Heavy object with Fistula Hand

Hemodailysis Patient Care

  • Patient should get vaccination for Hepatitis B
  • Do Tests like HIV,HCV,HBsAG every 3 to 6 months
  • Every Dailysis patient should take Erythropoietien Injection Regularly
  • Control Blood Pressure,Diabetes & Stop Smoking
  • Do not forget your regular Hemodailysis Session
  • Drink limited water whenever you feel thirsty.
  • Body Weight should not be increase more than 2.5 kg between two Dailysis Sessions.
  • Consult doctor everytime you take any new Medicine.
  • Do not take packaged material as food.
  • Whenever you go out of city, contact your Dailysis Center or concerned Doctor.

And some Dont’s: Avoid the following 4D’s

Dehydration: avoid dehydration especially in summer months.

Dyes: unwanted CT and Angiography etc.

Drugs: Kidney patients should consult their physician before taking any new drug.

Depression: Avoid negative thoughts